TBucket or Quartz Dab Rig?
TBucket or Quartz?
In the ever-evolving world of product development and innovation, we have always been committed to ensuring that our products provide the best way to consume cannabis.
While most of our innovation and success has come from the production of dry herb vaporizers such as the Flowerpot and Moab, our history can be traced back to the manufacturing of domeless nail dab rigs.
We are no strangers to the various platforms that have been available over the years, which have consistently improved the vaporization of concentrates. These dab rigs include domeless nails, E-Nails, Hybrids, Quartz Bangers, and more.
At CH, we are constantly evaluating our product lineup. Our mission to produce best-in-class Cannabis Hardware products has never changed. However, with advancements in new products comes the challenging task of phasing out previous models. We believe it is important to do so, especially when newer products outperform more expensive previous models.
We feel that the time has come to discontinue the Tbucket dab rig. We believe that the Moab with a 25mm quartz banger is a better recommendation for new customers as compared to the more expensive Tbucket. The Moab with quartz banger utilizes a diminishing heat profile, whereas the Tbucket has a constant, static temperature.
We believe the community prefers a diminishing heat profile over a static one for consuming concentrates because it is more akin to the torch diminishing heat profile.
Why not keep both dab rigs? Essentially, it comes down to streamlining the product options for ease of navigation. Having many options for concentrates might confuse new customers. However, a new customer may be easily swayed by the belief that something more expensive must be better, which might not necessarily be the case.
We are interested in hearing from you about why the Tbucket should not be discontinued.
💡 We want to know
We want to know why you think we should keep the TBucket.
The TBucket
- · High quality construction: The TBucket is made with durable materials, grade 2 titanium. This means that it can withstand heavy use and will last for many years.
- · Versatility: TBucket can be used with a variety of enail controllers and glass rigs, as well as different dab dishes like quartz and SiC. This allows you to customize your dabbing experience easily and find the perfect setup for your needs.
- · Ease of use: The TBucket is very simple to operate. Even beginners can learn to use it quickly.
- ·Efficiency: The TBucket is known for producing very flavorful vapor. This is due to its ability to reach extreme low temperatures.

Quartz Banger
- Cost: Our quartz bangers are much more cost-efficient than the T Bucket.
- Material: Long known for being the best performing material for dabbing.
- When used with our Moab vaporizer, the quartz banger is reminiscent of torching.
- Flavor: Largely considered the standard for flavor in concentrates.
- Maintenance: Notoriously much easier to clean.

T/bucket should be a staple in your lineup. Super efficient system always.
As an owner of the moab with a handful of bangers AND a tbucket, both are still actively in use at my house for concentrates.. It really depends on the type of sesh.
If chasing flavour I still prefer to cold start on a tiny rig/banger with a torch. If doing only a few (or singular) hit(s) and if I have a chilled concentrate then moab and bangers are my go tos but that requires me to iso dunk/clean after every hit which can be tedious… so if doing a huge sesh with room temp concentrates, tbucket with a sapphire dish ends up being best.
Options are good.. there’s a lot of subjectivity in this conversation.. whether contextual or personal. I don’t believe there is an objective best but I do think the tbucket is one of the few items that set CH apart from the rest.
I’m good at buying a product just before it is discontinued… kind of upset CH dropped it since that means I’m out of luck when I break the dishes or if I lose a piece or something.
Since getting the sapphire dish, it’s easily the best way to consume concentrates that I’ve ever experienced. When I was running it with the SiC dish (I thought the sapphire was going to be a $120 gimmick), it gathered more dust sitting unused than my trusty slurpers and quartz buckets because the flavor was just OK. With sapphire dishes, it’s pretty much the end game. It’s easy to clean. It comes apart and is modular.
Pretty big mistake discontinuing IMO. I run Venus, Mercury, Wave, and Swift when I want to consume flower. Those solutions are amazing, but they miss the gap when it comes to how I consume concentrates. I’d love to see it come back.
I love the T-Bucket but for ease of use I prefer the quartz banger and the Moab. One plug and that’s it. Honestly, if the Moab had been available a few years ago I probably would not have purchased the TBucket. That being said; I’m glad I have a TBucket to look at but I will probably never use again.
I came to the TBucket looking for a replacement for my Liger Air, whose flimsiness ultimately made it unusable for me (I still use my original Liger). The TBucket is at least as maintainable, durable, and well-made as the Liger, and I hope to continue to use it for years. It would sadden me deeply to know that I would be unable to replace it should I somehow lose the one I have (I cannot it imagine it breaking).
I don’t like quartz bangers as they are too brittle, and I don’t find them easier to maintain than sapphire dishes (q tips work just fine for me). I really like traditional enail temp control, and I have no desire for a tapering effect in my temperature.
Please keep making the TBucket! I will sing your praises to all who will listen if you do :)